Friday, February 25, 2011

See the things I Dream

Everyone yearns for their dreams to come true… Some work hard through sweat, blood and tears; and eventually come to the place where their dreams come true….but and even then, it’s not exactly what they pictured.

Then there are those who see their dreams manifested every day. These are not the millionaire or royalty that you may be thinking about, but people you may actually know. People you may friends with, the ones that are always doing something different, the ones you are a little “off” in a good way, the ones that you tell “man you have too much time on your hands” or “why do you think of stuff like that”. These are your creatives. They might seem like they are from another world, but how can you blame them. How would you act if your dreams are manifested daily. Nothing compares to dreaming something, conceptualizing something then manifesting it on one medium or another.

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