Friday, December 9, 2011


The silence in between peace and chaos. The space where adrenalin is housed before it’s eventually lost. The flash between confusion and a moment of clarity.  The instant that separates what is and what will be.

Friday, September 30, 2011


What can be found in a simple touch? Can what we come in contact with send a message that is stronger than the physical? Maybe this is why touch is the most significant sense we have; because it rationalizes what we only onced perceived. This maybe the reason we may say “that really touched my heart” when something really moves us; because it was once something we only perceived to be special, then it solidified into something real in us.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Can you Feel what the Art is Saying to you

Take in as much as you can, and leave the rest for when you experience it again. Ride that remembered emotion until it’s taken away again, and that bitter-sweet experience will be well worth it. You cannot control what you feel…but at the same time would you want to? Isn’t it more romantic that it just happens? We cannot explain why we are stricken with Goosebumps every time we hear our favorite song, experience a new masterpiece, or look into the eyes of an angel for the first time. But we do know that the emotion is real, and we feel every part of it as it surges through our body. Pain, Pleasure, Joy and sorrow… the color of tears are all the same, so who are we to say which holds more substance. So feel with all you can whenever you can.

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Friday, March 11, 2011

What Matters...

Sometimes it’s the smallest things that make a biggest differences. The tiniest gesture could have the largest impact. It could be the whisper of three little words, the clasp of a gentle embrace, or the peering of a solitaire giraffe…  No matter the size of the heart, it beats with the same passion as those of the gods; and should be treated as so.

~For Bri~

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ideas are like Fishies....There's always a bigger one.

See the things I Dream

Everyone yearns for their dreams to come true… Some work hard through sweat, blood and tears; and eventually come to the place where their dreams come true….but and even then, it’s not exactly what they pictured.

Then there are those who see their dreams manifested every day. These are not the millionaire or royalty that you may be thinking about, but people you may actually know. People you may friends with, the ones that are always doing something different, the ones you are a little “off” in a good way, the ones that you tell “man you have too much time on your hands” or “why do you think of stuff like that”. These are your creatives. They might seem like they are from another world, but how can you blame them. How would you act if your dreams are manifested daily. Nothing compares to dreaming something, conceptualizing something then manifesting it on one medium or another.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Be apart of something EPIC!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the final 3 panels of the sharpie masterpiece are being started, submit an idea of something  you would want to see on it and it may make on this timeless piece of work....quickly space as you can see is limited.
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Friday, February 18, 2011

Shade of Night

And what does the night hold??? Luminosity surrenders, as the shadows dance to the songs of the moon. And as for us…. We bask in her greatness, as we watch her slowly unfold her coy posture to expose her dauntingly alluring body. Oh the agony of her beauty, the tenderness of her strangle and her cold kisses of good day, as she returns to her slumber.

Night and Day

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Even if the most permanent line has been drawn, even if it is with the sharpie big paint marker; there are lessons to be learned with with every stroke. Instead of dwelling on if that line should have been drawn or not, innovate and let that stroke guide you in to new and exciting directions and you will be amazed where it takes.
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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

The one day when the red sharpie out-rules the black. Oh only if the permanence of love was as permanent as a red sharpie marker, I guess in some cases it is. Time to create workings of love, bliss, and fairy tale. Let the marker flow as endless as a waterfall of love, as solid as promised kisses. Definitely a RED fine tip sharpie day.
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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dont think, draw...

Free flowing ideas flow like the waters of angel falls; stong and flowing in the beginning, meak to misty as it gets drawn out. We tend to build a dam in fear of the scrutiny that innovation brings. But those who are so soon to judge are those who fail to come up with the idea first. I use to draw in pencil, because it was so easy to take back an idea once it was drawn... Now I lean more towards permanent markers when doodling because if an idea is brought to light it should not be outed. Every idea comes for a reason and should be treated as Permanent as such.
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